12 Reasons why hospitals are migrating to Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology

How is BLE helping achieve healthcare management teams major objectives? Let’s discover the potential of this technology by going through some use cases in healthcare.


1. Lower power consumption.

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) enables small sensors to run off batteries for months or even years, making it ideal for multiple medical devices to operate for years. Low energy = low maintenance costs.  

2. Highly immune to interference.

It operates on a 2.4 GHz frequency band and can coexist with other RF technologies like Wi-Fi or Zigbee. Quite useful in a hospital environment where data transmission must be continuous.

3. More security!

Unlike Wi-Fi connection, BLE is not always broadcasting. It remains in “sleep mode” except when participating in data exchange. BLE modules in devices that have already been paired to a verified connection are almost unthinkable to hack.

4. Simple Setup.

Unlike Bluetooth, BLE technology doesn’t need pairing, facilitating its use. 

5. Compatibility.

In general, the majority of devices that support Bluetooth (regardless of the make, model, or design) can support BLE technology as well.

6. Less Hardware.

The devices speak directly to one another. As long as your devices already have Bluetooth enabled, you do not need any additional hardware to connect them. 

7. Connectivity.

The gathered data from multiple devices can automatically be transferred to a central computer or medical device such as a vital signs monitor. 

8. Record-Keeping.

The always-updated central data is available for doctors which enables faster identification of trends among patients receiving similar care.  

9. Smarter Equipment.

Bluetooth technology can allow medical devices to make routine determinations by themselves. For example, a blood-sugar monitor can send instructions to alter the rate of an IV drip. Medical devices can also send out an alarm signal to medical staff if they detect a situation where a human is needed. 

10. Remote Caregiving.

You can track a patient's progress once they are out of the hospital. For example, pacemakers can transmit readings to a smartphone that can then be presented to the doctor. In emergencies, an alert can be sent with the patient’s location as smartphones usually have GPS capabilities.    

11. Wayfinding.

BLE technology can enhance customer experience when implemented for indoor usage. Allow indoor navigation so that nobody wastes time finding a specific place at your facility.

12. Functionality.

Bluetooth has multiple applications in the healthcare industry, the use cases mentioned above are just examples of what this tech can do to support your daily operations.  

    Wireless technology is setting the standard for connected health solutions. Many healthcare IT teams may think about Bluetooth as a secondary technology to be implemented, however, this technology is helping increase security and can support employee safety and satisfaction. Will this make it more appealing to you? This technology will sooner or later be a standard for all hospitals, therefore, why not migrate beforehand?


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