Why Workers’ Compensation Departments will Appreciate Safety Innovation

Every week, over $1 billion is paid out in workers’ compensation claims across the United States alone — and the reality is that with the right approach, many of the accidents and injuries associated with these claims can be prevented.  When it comes to ways to help reduce the amount of workers’ compensation claims, safety innovations, like wearable technologies, hold enormous potential to help us better manage risk and reduce costs — while also giving potentially seriously injured workers quick response times by EMS personnel to reduce the severity of these injuries and other workplace accidents.

Wearable technology is already beginning to improve the way workers’ compensation injuries are being managed and prevented, getting injured workers healthy and back on the job swiftly and safely.  Many companies trying innovative technologies say that this has helped drive increased sales, underwriting efficiency, and have better employee and customer experiences. We believe now it's a good time for the higher-ups in companies to be knowledgeable resources for employees in the importance of cutting workers’ compensation costs through the functionality of wearables.  This will be determined by focusing on employee health and safety and by addressing aggregate data — including safety perceptions, real-time information, and baseline data.  

Kwema is a company that mitigates the safety risks that employees face by providing wearables that activate an emergency protocol.  Kwema uses technology that addresses the aggregate data mentioned above and is designed to avoid adoption hurdles and training costs by being placed in something employees already wear.

Watch how Kwema is disrupting workplace safety



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